Ardha Utkatasana: Half Chair Pose Video

Half Squat Posture or “Chair Pose” Benefits This challenging yoga posture variation strengthens your legs, buttocks and back, and creates balance and regulation in your body and mind. Preparation should include a sequence of both forward and backward bends to…

Ardha Uttanasana: Half Standing Forward Bend Yoga Pose

Forward Bend Sequence for Strengthening the Spine Ardha Uttanasana, also known as the half stretched upright yoga posture, strengthens the primary muscles of your back. In this Viniyoga variation, repetition is used as you move into and out of the…

Yoga for Lower Body Pain

Hip, Hamstring and Lower Back Stretches Are you feeling tension in your hip, hamstring and lower back from sitting? Try this 16-minute yoga sequence to find relief. This series of yoga poses powerfully stretches the muscles inner thighs, back and…

Savasana Pranayama – 3-minute Yoga Breathing for Sleep

Yoga Breathing While Lying Down Are you having trouble falling asleep at night? Stress can make it increasingly difficult to relax before bed. Yogic breathing can help. Try this simple 3-minute breathing practice to settle your mind and prepare you…

Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose for Energy and Strength

Warrior Sequence Activates the Entire Body Virabhadrasana is a standing back-bend posture that strengthens the muscles of your back, buttox and thighs, leaving you energized and alert. Remember to integrate your movement and your breath, and to stabilize your low…

Paschimatanasana and Navasana – Seated Forward Bend and Boat Pose

Combination Yoga Sequence for Lower Back, Pelvis and Thighs These yoga poses work the deep muscles of your low back, pelvis and thighs. This 4-minute series of postures challenges your coordination through cross-crawl movements while focusing on your breath. The…

Parivrtti Trikonasana – A “Twist” to the Revolved Triangle Pose

A Standing, Twisting Yoga Pose to Increase Circulation and Inner Attention Parivrtti Trikonasana—simply known as the standing revolved triangle pose—is a powerful twisting posture that builds balance and strength. Preparation for this asana should include a series of forward bending…

Jathara Parivrtti: Spinal Twist Pose

Yoga for Spinal Health Try this 3-minute practice to bring circulation and health to your spine! Jathara Parivrtti is a spinal twisting posture that provides numerous benefits to your entire system. Be sure to do a simple forward bend (like…

Yoga for Energy and Focus

Increase Circulation and Energy Practice yoga to optimize your health and increase circulation. Focus on the link between awareness, breath, and movement! Check out this 23-minute sequence to challenge your body and breath. Promote inner attention and relaxation. Benefits: calming,…

Using Contra-Lateral Movements in Yoga for Concentration and Focus

7-Minute Yoga Practice to Improve Concentration Try this short series of postures that will leave you feeling calm as well as focused. These yoga poses relax the back with a specific series of cross-crawl actions. This yoga practice challenges your…

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana – Upward Extended Feet Pose

Upward Leg Extension Yoga Posture Movement is fundamental for circulation and balanced growth. The Urdhva Prasarita Padasana pose stretches the legs and extends the spine. Try this 3-minute practice to help you connect with your body and focus your mind…

Savasana Yoga Posture – Corpse Pose Benefits

Practicing Savasana Pose It’s important to take a moment throughout your busy day to let go of built-up anxiety and stress and feel more peaceful, focused and relaxed. Take a break to try this 2-minute posture that helps guide your…