(Photo: Anoka Faruqee, Koenig & Clinton, New York)
Do you think that you are
being lazy
when you are not doing something?
Do you think that you are
wasting your time
when you are simply
just being there?
There’s nothing wrong
with just sitting still and watching.
Maybe real laziness
is when
your mind is unaware of its own reactions.
Or when you’re not paying attention to what is going on
inside you.
This is when you’re really asleep.
Quite frankly
your restless mental wanderings
have nothing to do with
knowing or learning anything.
if you allow yourself
to be watchful
of the trees
or the wind
or the people
or your breath
you can make some brilliant discoveries.
Using your breath is most convenient.
It is always there
and it immediately leads you
to the knowledge of what is happening
right now.
This is good to know.
For when the next time comes
that you are frantically pushing
or frustrated
or working all day to achieve what you want
you can get a little lazy
and just watch yourself
your breath.
Be Lazy — and hang out with my book of poetry on the breath, “Breathing into Life“.
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