Is your workplace facing an engagement crisis?
In her new e-Book, “It Takes a Culture,” Bija Bennett advocates an urgent call-to-action for companies to shed a traditional, top-down approach to corporate wellness, and instead, build a workplace culture that nurtures the individual and drives personal performance, engagement, and success. Learn how to create a human-centric strategy for work, life, and play.
In this 31-page eBook you’ll get:
- What today’s research shows us about the urgent needs of modern employees
- How to envision and build a company-wide culture of wellness from the ground-up
- Ways to implement the five layers of an integrated wellness system
- Key organizational practices — and more than 30 action steps to take today
Click the link [image] on the right to get your FREE e-Book now!
“This timely and informative read targets the ever-expanding need for corporate wellness programs geared toward reducing stress, improving mental clarity and optimizing emotional and spiritual health.”