Better Your Life Through Personal Development and Self-Growth

Life is about growing—especially on the inside. If you’ve ever planted a tree, you know: Water the root and the tree inside you grows. Meditation can be the water we need to achieve personal growth, a transformational process in which you consciously and continually improve your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual state.

The recognition to continually develop yourself constitutes an essential part of your maturity, happiness and success. Simply put, self-growth is a desire to become a better version of yourself every day and throughout the whole of your life. The practice of meditation for personal growth acknowledges your desire to become a deeper, fuller person.

Trust in the Process – Achieving Spiritual and Personal Growth

Planting a tree is an act of optimism. You do it with a sense of trust in the future. You nurture the seed with hope, faith, and care, and protect it from the elements. Then you let it grow. Growth happens naturally. You never push something to grow. The proper way to grow is by releasing growth. The same is true for personal and spiritual development.

Oh, I that want to grow, the tree I look outside at, grows in me. — Rainer Maria Rilke

If you’ve never grown a tree, then it’s trickier. How do you grow on a multitude of levels? It happens by itself. Give it time and sustained practice, and if you renew yourself again and again, something will happen.

I believe that growing is the most important and essential endeavor that we as human beings can undertake. It’s the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you. The personal growth that comes from your search for self-knowledge makes you a deeper person in all ways and in all kinds of endeavors. It’s the very foundation that sustains you through all kinds of difficulties. But growth is true only if it continues each and every day. In a way, this often feels like you’re starting over.

“Over and over, we have to go back to the beginning,” says author Natalie Goldberg. “We should not be ashamed of this. It is good, It’s like drinking water; we don’t drink a glass once and never have to drink one again. Over and over, we begin. This is good. This is kindness. We don’t forget our roots.”

Practicing Grow Wild: A Meditation for Personal Growth

  • Give yourself some time to develop. Growth comes over time, so there’s no need to push, force or control the process.
  • Make a commitment to practice something daily that you know brings healing and a sense of joy: meditate; exercise healthfully; breathe consciously; go out in nature and listen to natural sounds; enjoy your senses, re-direct your focus; and simply appreciate yourself more.

Spiritual and personal growth is about coming up with new ways of healing that your body, your emotions, and your life-style can cope with.

Desire to grow, and your growth will continue by itself. Develop and attune yourself to the greater world of which you are a part. Find a life that is continuously unbroken and flowing with aliveness. Resolve yourself toward your deepest transformation.



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